Source code for dfwinreg.regf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Windows NT Registry (REGF) objects implementation using pyregf."""

from dfdatetime import filetime as dfdatetime_filetime
from dfdatetime import semantic_time as dfdatetime_semantic_time

import pyregf

from dfwinreg import definitions
from dfwinreg import errors
from dfwinreg import interface
from dfwinreg import key_paths

[docs] class REGFWinRegistryFile(interface.WinRegistryFile): """Implementation of a Windows Registry file using pyregf."""
[docs] def __init__( self, ascii_codepage='cp1252', key_path_prefix=''): """Initializes the Windows Registry file. Args: ascii_codepage (Optional[str]): ASCII string codepage. key_path_prefix (Optional[str]): Windows Registry key path prefix. """ super(REGFWinRegistryFile, self).__init__( ascii_codepage=ascii_codepage, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix) self._emulate_virtual_keys = False self._key_helper = REGFWinRegistryKeyHelper() self._file_object = None self._regf_file = pyregf.file() self._regf_file.set_ascii_codepage(ascii_codepage)
def _GetCurrentControlSetKey(self): """Retrieves the current control set key. Returns: pyregf.key: current control key or None if not available. """ select_key = self._GetKeyByPathFromFile('\\Select') if not select_key: return None # To determine the current control set check: # 1. The "Current" value. # 2. The "Default" value. # 3. The "LastKnownGood" value. control_set = None for value_name in ('Current', 'Default', 'LastKnownGood'): value = select_key.get_value_by_name(value_name) if not value or value.type not in definitions.INTEGER_VALUE_TYPES: continue control_set = value.get_data_as_integer() # If the control set is 0 then we need to check the other values. if control_set > 0 or control_set <= 999: break if not control_set or control_set <= 0 or control_set > 999: return None return self._GetKeyByPathFromFile(f'\\ControlSet{control_set:03d}') def _GetKeyByPathFromFile(self, relative_key_path): """Retrieves the key for a specific path form the Windows Registry file. Args: relative_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path relative to the file. Returns: pyregf.key: Windows Registry key or None if not available. """ try: return self._regf_file.get_key_by_path(relative_key_path) except IOError: return None
[docs] def AddCurrentControlSetKey(self): """Adds a virtual current control set key. Raises: ValueError: if the virtual key already exists. """ pyregf_key = self._GetCurrentControlSetKey() if pyregf_key: self._key_helper.AddVirtualKey('\\CurrentControlSet', pyregf_key) self._emulate_virtual_keys = True
[docs] def AddVirtualKey(self, relative_key_path, pyregf_key): """Adds a virtual key. Args: relative_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path relative to the file. pyregf_key (pyregf.key): pyregf key object of the key. Raises: ValueError: if the virtual key already exists. """ self._key_helper.AddVirtualKey(relative_key_path, pyregf_key) self._emulate_virtual_keys = True
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the Windows Registry file.""" self._regf_file.close() self._file_object = None
[docs] def GetKeyByPath(self, key_path): """Retrieves the key for a specific path. Args: key_path (str): Windows Registry key path. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key or None if not available. """ key_path_upper = key_path.upper() if key_path_upper.startswith(self._key_path_prefix_upper): relative_key_path = key_path[self._key_path_prefix_length:] elif key_path.startswith(definitions.KEY_PATH_SEPARATOR): relative_key_path = key_path key_path = ''.join([self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path]) else: return None if relative_key_path and relative_key_path[0] == '\\': relative_key_path = relative_key_path[1:] if not relative_key_path: return self.GetRootKey() if self._emulate_virtual_keys: registry_key = self._key_helper.GetKeyByPath( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path) if registry_key: return registry_key pyregf_key = self._GetKeyByPathFromFile(relative_key_path) return self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key)
[docs] def GetRootKey(self): """Retrieves the root key. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry root key or None if not available. """ pyregf_key = self._regf_file.get_root_key() return self._key_helper.CreateKey(self._key_path_prefix, '', pyregf_key)
[docs] def Open(self, file_object): """Opens the Windows Registry file using a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object. Returns: bool: True if successful or False if not. """ self._file_object = file_object self._regf_file.open_file_object(self._file_object) return True
[docs] class REGFWinRegistryKey(interface.WinRegistryKey): """Implementation of a Windows Registry key using pyregf."""
[docs] def __init__( self, pyregf_key, key_helper=None, key_path_prefix='', relative_key_path=''): """Initializes a Windows Registry key. Args: pyregf_key (pyregf.key): pyregf key object. key_helper (Optional[WinRegistryKeyHelper]): Windows Registry key helper. key_path_prefix (Optional[str]): Windows Registry key path prefix. relative_key_path (Optional[str]): relative Windows Registry key path. """ super(REGFWinRegistryKey, self).__init__( key_helper=key_helper, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) self._pyregf_key = pyregf_key
@property def class_name(self): """str: class name of the key or None if not available.""" return self._pyregf_key.class_name @property def last_written_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: last written time.""" timestamp = self._pyregf_key.get_last_written_time_as_integer() if timestamp == 0: return dfdatetime_semantic_time.SemanticTime('Not set') return dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp) @property def name(self): """str: name of the key.""" return @property def number_of_subkeys(self): """int: number of subkeys within the key.""" return self._pyregf_key.number_of_sub_keys @property def number_of_values(self): """int: number of values within the key.""" return self._pyregf_key.number_of_values @property def offset(self): """int: offset of the key within the Windows Registry file or None.""" return self._pyregf_key.offset
[docs] def GetSubkeyByIndex(self, index): """Retrieves a subkey by index. Args: index (int): index of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. Raises: IndexError: if the index is out of bounds. """ if index < 0 or index >= self._pyregf_key.number_of_sub_keys: raise IndexError('Index out of bounds.') pyregf_key = self._pyregf_key.get_sub_key(index) relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path,]) return self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key)
[docs] def GetSubkeyByName(self, name): """Retrieves a subkey by name. Args: name (str): name of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """ pyregf_key = self._pyregf_key.get_sub_key_by_name(name) if not pyregf_key: return None relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path,]) return self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key)
[docs] def GetSubkeyByPath(self, key_path): """Retrieves a subkey by path. Args: key_path (str): path of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """ pyregf_key = self._pyregf_key.get_sub_key_by_path(key_path) if not pyregf_key: return None relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, key_path]) return self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key)
[docs] def GetSubkeys(self): """Retrieves all subkeys within the key. Yields: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. """ for pyregf_key in self._pyregf_key.sub_keys: relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path,]) yield self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key)
[docs] def GetValues(self): """Retrieves all values within the key. Yields: WinRegistryValue: Windows Registry value. """ for pyregf_value in self._pyregf_key.values: yield REGFWinRegistryValue(pyregf_value)
[docs] def GetValueByName(self, name): """Retrieves a value by name. Args: name (str): name of the value. Returns: WinRegistryValue: Windows Registry value or None if not found. """ pyregf_value = self._pyregf_key.get_value_by_name(name) if not pyregf_value: return None return REGFWinRegistryValue(pyregf_value)
[docs] class VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey(REGFWinRegistryKey): """Implementation of a virtual Windows Registry key using pyregf. Virtual Windows Registry key are used to handle keys that do not exist on-disk but do exist at run-time, like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, pyregf_key, key_helper=None, key_path_prefix='', relative_key_path=''): """Initializes a virtual Windows Registry key. Args: name (str): name of the Windows Registry key. pyregf_key (pyregf.key): pyregf key object. key_helper (Optional[WinRegistryKeyHelper]): Windows Registry key helper. key_path_prefix (Optional[str]): Windows Registry key path prefix. relative_key_path (Optional[str]): relative Windows Registry key path. """ super(VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey, self).__init__( pyregf_key, key_helper=key_helper, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) self._name = name self._virtual_subkeys = [] self._virtual_subkeys_by_name = {}
@property def name(self): """str: name of the key.""" return self._name @property def number_of_subkeys(self): """int: number of subkeys within the key.""" number_of_keys = self._pyregf_key.number_of_sub_keys if self._virtual_subkeys: number_of_keys += len(self._virtual_subkeys) return number_of_keys def _GetVirtualSubKeyByName(self, name): """Retrieves a virtual subkey by name. Args: name (str): name of the Windows Registry subkey. Raises: tuple[str, pyregf.key]: name and pyregf key object of the virtual subkey. """ lookup_name = name.upper() subkey_index = self._virtual_subkeys_by_name.get(lookup_name, None) if subkey_index is None: return None, None return self._virtual_subkeys[subkey_index]
[docs] def AddVirtualSubKey(self, name, subkey): """Adds a virtual subkey. Args: name (str): name of the virtual Windows Registry subkey. subkey (pyregf.key): pyregf key object of the subkey. Raises: ValueError: if the virtual subkey already exists. """ lookup_name = name.upper() if lookup_name in self._virtual_subkeys_by_name: raise ValueError(f'Subkey: {name:s} already set') self._virtual_subkeys_by_name[lookup_name] = len(self._virtual_subkeys) self._virtual_subkeys.append((name, subkey))
[docs] def GetSubkeyByIndex(self, index): """Retrieves a subkey by index. Args: index (int): index of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. Raises: IndexError: if the index is out of bounds. """ if index >= self.number_of_subkeys: raise IndexError('Index out of bounds.') if index >= self._pyregf_key.number_of_sub_keys: index -= self._pyregf_key.number_of_sub_keys virtual_name, virtual_subkey = self._virtual_subkeys[index] relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, virtual_name]) return VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( virtual_name, virtual_subkey, key_helper=self._key_helper, key_path_prefix=self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) return super(VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey, self).GetSubkeyByIndex(index)
[docs] def GetSubkeyByName(self, name): """Retrieves a subkey by name. Args: name (str): name of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """ virtual_name, virtual_sub_key = self._GetVirtualSubKeyByName(name) if virtual_sub_key: relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, virtual_name]) return VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( virtual_name, virtual_sub_key, key_helper=self._key_helper, key_path_prefix=self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) return super(VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey, self).GetSubkeyByName(name)
[docs] def GetSubkeyByPath(self, key_path): """Retrieves a subkey by path. Args: key_path (str): path of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """ if key_path and key_path[0] == '\\': key_path = key_path[1:] key_path_segments = key_path.split('\\') virtual_name, virtual_sub_key = self._GetVirtualSubKeyByName( key_path_segments[0]) if virtual_sub_key: key_path_segments.pop(0) if not key_path_segments: relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, virtual_name]) return VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( virtual_name, virtual_sub_key, key_helper=self._key_helper, key_path_prefix=self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) sub_key_path = '\\'.join(key_path_segments) pyregf_key = virtual_sub_key.get_sub_key_by_path(sub_key_path) relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, key_path]) return self._key_helper.CreateKey( self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key) return super(VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey, self).GetSubkeyByPath(key_path)
[docs] def GetSubkeys(self): """Retrieves all subkeys within the key. Yields: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. """ yield from super(VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey, self).GetSubkeys() for virtual_name, virtual_sub_key in self._virtual_subkeys: relative_key_path = key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._relative_key_path, virtual_name]) yield VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( virtual_name, virtual_sub_key, key_helper=self._key_helper, key_path_prefix=self._key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path)
[docs] class REGFWinRegistryKeyHelper(interface.WinRegistryKeyHelper): """Windows Registry key helper."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes the Windows Registry key helper.""" super(REGFWinRegistryKeyHelper, self).__init__() self._virtual_keys_by_path = {} self._virtual_subkeys_by_parent = {}
[docs] def AddVirtualKey(self, relative_key_path, pyregf_key): """Adds a virtual key. Args: relative_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path relative to the file, with a leading key path segment separator. pyregf_key (pyregf.key): pyregf key object of the key. Raises: ValueError: if the virtual key already exists. """ lookup_key_path = relative_key_path.upper() if lookup_key_path in self._virtual_keys_by_path: raise ValueError(f'Key: {relative_key_path:s} already set') self._virtual_keys_by_path[lookup_key_path] = ( relative_key_path, pyregf_key) parent_key_path, name = relative_key_path.rsplit('\\', maxsplit=1) lookup_key_path = parent_key_path.upper() if lookup_key_path not in self._virtual_subkeys_by_parent: self._virtual_subkeys_by_parent[lookup_key_path] = [] self._virtual_subkeys_by_parent[lookup_key_path].append((name, pyregf_key))
[docs] def CreateKey(self, key_path_prefix, relative_key_path, pyregf_key): """Creates a Windows Registry key. Args: key_path_prefix (str): Windows Registry key path prefix. relative_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path relative to the file, with a leading key path segment separator. pyregf_key (pyregf.key): pyregf key object. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key or None if pyregf key object is not set. """ if not pyregf_key: return None lookup_key_path = relative_key_path.upper() virtual_subkeys = self._virtual_subkeys_by_parent.get(lookup_key_path, None) if not virtual_subkeys: return REGFWinRegistryKey( pyregf_key, key_helper=self, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) name = relative_key_path.rsplit('\\', maxsplit=1)[-1] registry_key = VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( name, pyregf_key, key_helper=self, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=relative_key_path) for name, pyregf_subkey in virtual_subkeys or []: registry_key.AddVirtualSubKey(name, pyregf_subkey) return registry_key
[docs] def GetKeyByPath(self, key_path_prefix, relative_key_path): """Retrieves a key. Args: key_path_prefix (str): Windows Registry key path prefix. relative_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path relative to the file, without a leading key path segment separator. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key or None if not found. """ lookup_key_path = None relative_sub_key_path = None # TODO: use scan tree of path segments for faster lookup. relative_key_path_upper = relative_key_path.upper() for virtual_key_path in self._virtual_keys_by_path: # Note that the virtual key path starts with a key path segment # separator # but relative key path does not. if relative_key_path_upper.startswith(virtual_key_path[1:]): lookup_key_path = virtual_key_path relative_sub_key_path = relative_key_path[len(virtual_key_path[1:]):] break if not lookup_key_path: return None virtual_key_path, pyregf_key = self._virtual_keys_by_path.get( lookup_key_path, None) _, name = virtual_key_path.rsplit('\\', maxsplit=1) registry_key = VirtualREGFWinRegistryKey( name, pyregf_key, key_helper=self, key_path_prefix=key_path_prefix, relative_key_path=virtual_key_path[1:]) if not relative_sub_key_path: return registry_key return registry_key.GetSubkeyByPath(relative_sub_key_path)
[docs] class REGFWinRegistryValue(interface.WinRegistryValue): """Implementation of a Windows Registry value using pyregf.""" # Note that missing-return-doc is broken for pylint 1.7.x # pylint: disable=missing-return-doc
[docs] def __init__(self, pyregf_value): """Initializes a Windows Registry value. Args: pyregf_value (pyregf.value): pyregf value object. """ super(REGFWinRegistryValue, self).__init__() self._pyregf_value = pyregf_value
# Pylint 1.7.x seems to be get confused about properties. # pylint: disable=missing-return-type-doc @property def data(self): """bytes: value data as a byte string. Raises: WinRegistryValueError: if the value data cannot be read. """ try: return except IOError as exception: raise errors.WinRegistryValueError(( f'Unable to read data from value: {} ' f'with error: {exception!s}')) @property def data_type(self): """int: data type.""" return self._pyregf_value.type @property def name(self): """str: name of the value.""" return @property def offset(self): """int: offset of the value within the Windows Registry file.""" return self._pyregf_value.offset
[docs] def GetDataAsObject(self): """Retrieves the data as an object. Returns: object: data as a Python type. Raises: WinRegistryValueError: if the value data cannot be read. """ try: if self._pyregf_value.type in self._STRING_VALUE_TYPES: value_data = self._pyregf_value.get_data_as_string() elif self._pyregf_value.type in definitions.INTEGER_VALUE_TYPES: value_data = self._pyregf_value.get_data_as_integer() elif self._pyregf_value.type == definitions.REG_MULTI_SZ: value_data = self._pyregf_value.get_data_as_multi_string() else: value_data = except (IOError, OverflowError) as exception: raise errors.WinRegistryValueError(( f'Unable to read data from value: {} ' f'with error: {exception!s}')) return value_data