Source code for dfwinreg.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Windows Registry object interfaces."""

import abc

from dfwinreg import definitions
from dfwinreg import key_paths

[docs] class WinRegistryFile(object): """Windows Registry file interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ascii_codepage='cp1252', key_path_prefix=''): """Initializes a Windows Registry file. Args: ascii_codepage (Optional[str]): ASCII string codepage. key_path_prefix (Optional[str]): Windows Registry key path prefix. """ super(WinRegistryFile, self).__init__() self._ascii_codepage = ascii_codepage self._key_path_prefix = key_path_prefix self._key_path_prefix_length = len(key_path_prefix) self._key_path_prefix_upper = key_path_prefix.upper()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Close(self): """Closes the Windows Registry file."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetKeyByPath(self, key_path): """Retrieves the key for a specific path. Args: key_path (str): Windows Registry key path. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key or None if not available. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetRootKey(self): """Retrieves the root key. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry root key or None if not available. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Open(self, file_object): """Opens the Windows Registry file using a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object. Returns: bool: True if successful or False if not. """
[docs] def RecurseKeys(self): """Recurses the Windows Registry keys starting with the root key. Yields: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key. """ root_key = self.GetRootKey() if root_key: for registry_key in root_key.RecurseKeys(): yield registry_key
[docs] def SetKeyPathPrefix(self, key_path_prefix): """Sets the Window Registry key path prefix. Args: key_path_prefix (str): Windows Registry key path prefix. """ self._key_path_prefix = key_path_prefix self._key_path_prefix_length = len(key_path_prefix) self._key_path_prefix_upper = key_path_prefix.upper()
[docs] class WinRegistryFileReader(object): """Windows Registry file reader interface."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Open(self, path, ascii_codepage='cp1252'): """Opens a Windows Registry file specified by the path. Args: path (str): path of the Windows Registry file. The path is a Windows path relative to the root of the file system that contains the specific Windows Registry file, for example: C:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SYSTEM ascii_codepage (Optional[str]): ASCII string codepage. Returns: WinRegistryFile: Windows Registry file or None. """
[docs] class WinRegistryKey(object): """Windows Registry key interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, key_helper=None, key_path_prefix='', relative_key_path=''): """Initializes a Windows Registry key. Args: key_helper (Optional[WinRegistryKeyHelper]): Windows Registry key helper. key_path_prefix (Optional[str]): Windows Registry key path prefix. relative_key_path (Optional[str]): relative Windows Registry key path. """ super(WinRegistryKey, self).__init__() self._key_helper = key_helper self._key_path_prefix = key_path_prefix self._relative_key_path = relative_key_path
@property @abc.abstractmethod def class_name(self): """str: class name of the key or None if not available.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def last_written_time(self): """dfdatetime.DateTimeValues: last written time or None.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self): """str: name of the key.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def number_of_subkeys(self): """int: number of subkeys within the key.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def number_of_values(self): """int: number of values within the key.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def offset(self): """int: offset of the key within the Windows Registry file or None.""" @property def path(self): """str: Windows Registry key path.""" return key_paths.JoinKeyPath([ self._key_path_prefix, self._relative_key_path])
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetSubkeyByIndex(self, index): """Retrieves a subkey by index. Args: index (int): index of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. Raises: IndexError: if the index is out of bounds. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetSubkeyByName(self, name): """Retrieves a subkey by name. Args: name (str): name of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetSubkeyByPath(self, key_path): """Retrieves a subkey by a path. Args: key_path (str): relative key path of the subkey. Returns: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey or None if not found. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetSubkeys(self): """Retrieves all subkeys within the key. Yields: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry subkey. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetValueByName(self, name): """Retrieves a value by name. Args: name (str): name of the value or an empty string for the default value. Returns: WinRegistryValue: Windows Registry value or None if not found. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetValues(self): """Retrieves all values within the key. Yields: WinRegistryValue: Windows Registry value. """
[docs] def RecurseKeys(self): """Recurses the subkeys starting with the key. Yields: WinRegistryKey: Windows Registry key. """ yield self for subkey in self.GetSubkeys(): for key in subkey.RecurseKeys(): yield key
[docs] class WinRegistryKeyHelper(object): """Windows Registry key helper."""
[docs] class WinRegistryValue(object): """Windows Registry value interface.""" _DATA_TYPE_STRINGS = { 0: 'REG_NONE', 1: 'REG_SZ', 2: 'REG_EXPAND_SZ', 3: 'REG_BINARY', 4: 'REG_DWORD_LE', 5: 'REG_DWORD_BE', 6: 'REG_LINK', 7: 'REG_MULTI_SZ', 8: 'REG_RESOURCE_LIST', 9: 'REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR', 10: 'REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST', 11: 'REG_QWORD'} _STRING_VALUE_TYPES = frozenset([ definitions.REG_SZ, definitions.REG_EXPAND_SZ, definitions.REG_LINK]) @property @abc.abstractmethod def data(self): """bytes: value data.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def data_type(self): """int: data type.""" @property def data_type_string(self): """str: string representation of the data type.""" return self._DATA_TYPE_STRINGS.get(self.data_type, 'UNKNOWN') @property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self): """str: name of the value.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def offset(self): """int: offset of the value within the Windows Registry file."""
[docs] def DataIsBinaryData(self): """Determines, based on the data type, if the data is binary data. The data types considered binary data are: REG_BINARY. Returns: bool: True if the data is a binary data, False otherwise. """ return self.data_type == definitions.REG_BINARY
[docs] def DataIsInteger(self): """Determines, based on the data type, if the data is an integer. The data types considered strings are: REG_DWORD (REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN), REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN and REG_QWORD. Returns: bool: True if the data is an integer, False otherwise. """ return self.data_type in ( definitions.REG_DWORD, definitions.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, definitions.REG_QWORD)
[docs] def DataIsMultiString(self): """Determines, based on the data type, if the data is a multi string. The data types considered multi strings are: REG_MULTI_SZ. Returns: bool: True if the data is multi string, False otherwise. """ return self.data_type == definitions.REG_MULTI_SZ
[docs] def DataIsString(self): """Determines, based on the data type, if the data is a string. The data types considered strings are: REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ. Returns: bool: True if the data is a string, False otherwise. """ return self.data_type in (definitions.REG_SZ, definitions.REG_EXPAND_SZ)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetDataAsObject(self): """Retrieves the data as an object. Returns: object: data as a Python type. """